Thursday, February 17, 2005

Accent neutralization

Rai on Letterman

I don't care much for the interview. Many say she fared badly. But to be fair, Letterman's line of questioning is awkward and most viewers have just got used to this oddity. Also, Paul's impulsive (or deliberate?) and mistimed cackles can be quite unnerving to the guests and even viewers and who knows, the host too!

What did strike me was Rai's completely neutralized accent. It was difficult to place it - British or American slant, original or affected? Maybe, its a mix of all the factors. But are our accents really getting so neutralized and perhaps even neutered (bastardized)? At least, that's what they are teaching (check the video) back in call centres in India. The desi accented stereotype seems to be living on only in the cartoon world of Simpsons.


At 12:44 PM, Blogger Crp said...

Ash baby or, as I prefer to call her, boo-kitty was totally at sea man. What was that about appointments and dinners ?

One more thing. To this day I haven't met a single Indian who talks like Apu. Also we don't need to try to sound like the Americans or the British unless there is a reasonable chance of pulling it off. By far the worst situation is when a Lalloo bhai tries to talk like Billoo bhai(Bill Clinton).

Just talk like Prannoy Roy man - that's the proper Indian accent and sounds respectable anywhere in the world. No bastardization required.

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Prashanth Pappu said...

She was definitely at sea. But Letterman himself didn't do a great job. He was asking really primitive questions about India, bollywood, musicals and adult kids livng with their parents etc.

There is definitely a way of seeing humour in these questions but there is an implicit framework for judging this interview - the american pov. I mean, clearly if you ask letterman and paul to handle an Indian talk show for India, it is very possible that they would've largely been ignored. You gotta agree that Letterman is an acquired taste. Its very difficult to appreciate his shows initially. That's what I meant- I don't care for the interview. There were stereotypes and biases on either side.

As for bastardization, it ain't required man. Its happening. Globally mobile Indians, call centers etc is definitely having an impact. I call it bastardization because, given a desi speaking english, some time ago, we could figure out his desi mother tongue! Now, that seems unlikely.

At 6:14 AM, Blogger " Neutral accent " said...

I am interested in learning more about your training in Accent Reduction. Would you let me know more about it?


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