Saturday, March 22, 2008

Not Yet Another Politician's Speech

Advani on India's political leadership

You tell me that you are tired of politicians' speeches. You say that you can't take in another Obama speech that will make you cry. You say that you can't take in another Hillary speech that will make her cry. You say that you can't take in another McCain speech that will make no one cry.

I say, you are a dimwit. I say, you need some Advani-speak.

Advani in this brilliant speech reminds us who India's true leaders are. If you can tolerate Prabhu Chawla's embarassing introduction, you will witness one of the most fascinating expositions on the past and present Indian political leadership. Do watch this one in its entirety.

Friday, March 14, 2008

An idea worth spreading

The right way of thinking

Fantastic presentation by a neuro-anatomist on the left and right parts of the brain. The presentation is part of the TED Talks series which is a great collection of ideas.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

comedy gold

My mission: To proactively defend this blog against getting too high-brow

mr chhedu

Whenever there is a joke that isn't good enough, they sound the gong! Just hotness, all around.