Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What is the truth?

The truth about Sancho Panza

Talk about reading between (just two) lines! No other parable has been so over-analyzed as Kafka's little take on Don Quixote's loyal sidekick. The lure of the parable is its apparent completeness though I haven't read or listened to a single satisfactory interpretation (except mine of course). So, what is the truth?

Monday, June 20, 2005

Desi FOBia

Now at your local store...

What I can't seem to figure is the (sales) pitch of this merchandise. Not the least of the reasons being that there is a bib, a thong and an apron (for the whole family!) for sale out there.

Many a time, a seemingly derogatory term (like the word 'blacks') is itself turned on its head and defiantly displayed to reflect a new found confidence and indifferent comfort with the epithet. Like most labels that have outlived their age, the merchandise seems to proclaim that 'FOBs' is no longer a stereotypecast.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

A Case for Lt. Bookman (Library Cop)

Kim : a travelogue

Continuing with the Seinfeld motif, here's the true story of a library book that journeyed 78 years through space and time - seduced multiple generations of (book) lovers, imparted wisdom and excitement to needy souls, and adorned bookshelves and attics in several adjacent cities.

We've all seen such specimens - our hostel libraries, our Dad's book clubs, the librarian at my high school etc have been looking for them for years and have all but given up ... But really, we shouldn't be joking about these things. Lt. Bookman said it best :

"Sure, go ahead, laugh if you want to. I've seen your type before: Flashy, making the scene, flaunting convention. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. What's this guy making such a big stink about old library books? Well, let me give you a hint, junior. Maybe we can live without libraries, people like you and me. Maybe. Sure, we're too old to change the world, but what about that kid, sitting down, opening a book, right now, in a branch at the local library and finding drawings of pee-pees and wee-wees on the Cat in the Hat and the Five Chinese Brothers? Doesn't HE deserve better? Look. If you think this is about overdue fines and missing books, you'd better think again. This is about that kid's right to read a book without getting his mind warped! Or: maybe that turns you on, Seinfeld; maybe that's how y'get your kicks. You and your good-time buddies. Well I got a flash for ya, joy-boy: Party time is over."

Okay good-time buddies. Go and return those books. Party time is over.

Friday, June 17, 2005

A great idea for cologne...

The Vegetarian

To paraphrase Kramer from Seinfeld, "You spray it on and you smell just like a vegetarian".

According to the report, vegetarians not only smell better but also "taste better"! Too bad, we can't double-check with Hannibal. But, this is true, Hannibal is indeed reputed to have a very refined and discriminating collection of colognes. Convenient coincidence? Maybe so, maybe no. Also, the footnote in the report adds, "vegetarians have more stamina and energy in the sack".

Hmmm... most Indians being vegetarian, it is only now that I realise what Naipaul truly meant when he wrote, "India(ns) is an assault on the senses".

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

So hot right now...

Will Ferrell Harvard Class Day 2003 video

Chestnut. This is Will Ferrell speaking to the Harvard class of 2003 on class day. Push pointer to 1hr:30min for the speech. Like the chick who follows him says, "so hot right now"

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

It is time to meet...

The Continental (1)

One of The Classic Continental quotes, "Please, forgive me if my hungry eyes feast on the banquet of your sumptuous decolletage", renewed my interest in this Christopher Walken series on SNL. I couldn't find the videos but these transcripts (2, 3, 4) are a good read. Besides his incorrigibly sleazy and lecherous ways, an obsession with Champagna and dubious allusions to random skills that he acquired in Universities of Beijing and Budapest, occur in all segments.